Thursday 16 May 2013

Japan, to beautify the future rather than the past

I don't know what Japan can do about it's history; this is up to Japan as a country and as a people. I wish Japan well and would love to visit there one day as time goes by. To me it is a culture of amazing distilling of beauty and order with a history of horror based upon an Imperial Certainty of Righteousness. It is not the only country with such a history; that's for sure, but for Japan to survive well in the very changed world, almost surrounded in a way by its old enemies who have done very well indeed, and will grow far stronger every day as Japan becomes less powerful and smaller, Japan too will need to change again.

Rather than seek to beautify the past, or forget it, perhaps it is wiser for survival to acknowledge the responsibility for the past, to hope for understanding and forgiveness from others, to repay what can be repaid now and as time goes by; perhaps this way Japan can beautify its future.

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