Wednesday 4 May 2022

Australia Federal Election approaching

I thought a good Federal Labor ticket would be Penny Wong as PM with Sally McManus as Deputy, and I still think Ms Wong would be best, but Sally McManus has lost a lot of credibility over the past few years doing nothing to progress salary increases for ACTU members in a whole decade, whilst happy to kowtow with the Morrison regime, and, basically, 'corporatising' the ACTU I'd have to look away from her as being a 'hopeful'. A waste. Sally would have to show some mettle that she hasn't yet displayed at all. A decade is a long time to just hang around building your power base and not delivering anything.

and not delivering anything.

With the subjugation of Mariupol, the Russia will be looking towards both incorporating the Eastern provinces, Donesk etc, and also swinging around to take Odessa, I would expect.

By taking Odessa, the Russians would then control part of the pathway into Transnistria, which is very important. Transnistria is that place without passports or any national control where all the things that shouldn't happen in Europe happen in Europe. The Great Conduit for spies, weapons, trafficking, terror etc from all sides make free use of Transnistria. To off-load the weapons pouring into Ukraine, you use Transnistria to get them out to Africa for sale.