Friday 24 May 2013

Winged Creatures Movie and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

I found this movie to be very good in the way it examined how people's behaviour changed, each person in very different ways and manifestations, following a trauma in their lives and it's worth seeing because it does have a compassionate undercurrent to it.

I think some level of healing is possible and, from my experience, it does take a long time indeed. If one can talk through the memory safely over and over again with someone who knows how to listen, then this has great meaning in terms of healing. Life is still amazing and problematic etc, but the last month's reflective time has been important to me in understanding at some consistent level just how fragile the mind and emotions can be, and realising after all the extremes, just how normal my response to experience has been, after all. Normal response, yes, although the time it took for understanding of what had happened, and for some sweet insight, did take 'a bit long' at 50 years. Looking back at some of my life decisions etc in the present light of the remembered trauma I can say now...'oh yes, I see, yes. I understand'.

The Human Condition.

Take Care and look after each other. It means a lot. Love means a lot.

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