Thursday 23 May 2013

Photographic Proof Of North Korean Nuclear Weapon Being Fired

In this accurate NASA photo (taken by DSD and ASIS agents in Australia) it is easy to see the North Korean Rocket being fired towards Arnhem Land in Australia.
The US Secretary of State has supported the absolute truth of the photographic evidence and has called for even more cruel nasty sanctions against the very skinny people of North Korea who have been putting up with this kind of bullshit for 60 years.

The United Nations Expert on North Korean Horrible Rockets, Professor Kareem Inma Kofi, spoke from his luxurious Washington apartment stating:
"All North Koreans are real pricks. We have the evidence. The UN isn't going to lie to everyone, not like we did last year; but that was understandable, because I was too busy sucking US cock, but it's different now. Someone nice sucks mine. That was the deal. But still, privately, off the record, I have my suspicions about China."

 Professor Kareem Inma Kofi in a reflective mood.

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