Monday 14 August 2023

Dang, I've been banned from a facebook site for repeating the news I heard on Sky News!

Damn, my comments here have been Banned from the Voice Yes/No facebook page....for 5 days. I think it might have been the reference to the comment about the mushroom vegetable dehydrator, as a warning to other husbands, but don't blame me. I saw that on Sky News. I thought it was true, like everything else on Sky!

Referendumb, Australia

I've been making my contribution to the lively colourful discussion on the Referendum YES/NO facebook site, but I think I've annoyed far too many I'll have a rest. Its about pacing myself, and my invective, or it'll run out.
"I'm impressed by your hard-wired generational vitriolic hatred for Australian Aborigines. Good on you! At least you are giving the Chinese one day off."