Friday 24 May 2013

PTSD/ The Impact of Trauma on a Young Person, not necessarily War,

I've spent the last month or so in a reflective mood, looking back over about 50 years. I'm 59 now. I was 9 when I witnessed a school friend have a very traumatic death and the experience did most certainly change my life course and somehow gave me a series of 'triggers' whereby I was instantly taken back, at whatever age after 9, into the emotion of that experience. It still happens now, 50 years later.
I always have found it hard (read 'impossible) to talk about or write about because to do so brings back that exact emotion that overwhelmed my consciousness at that early age, when I had not developed any way of understanding it at all.
If anyone else has had this kind of stark trauma either to themselves, or have witnessed such trauma, and I'm sure many millions of people have had this in one form or another, I have found that it is worth reflecting upon the course of one's life since that experience.
I wish us all well and I welcome any comments people may have about the experience of such an event.
One thing I would have liked to have had was always a way to communicate what had happened that was a safe way. I think I needed some kind of guide to be with me when  these 'emotional storms' came to me and suddenly rendered me 9 again with all the child-nature of that age.
Kind regards John

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