Friday 17 May 2013

Kim Jong Un and Barack Obama

I'm equally not a supporter of either Kim Jon Un or Barack Obama and I'm certainly not Korean nor American, but I do understand them, I'm pretty sure.

Fortunately I have been graced by birth to be neither Korean nor American, and I have never lived in a country dominated by weird charismatic cult-shamanistic or Christian religions nor controlled by guns... and I view both with some deep disdain. It's actually hard to tell the difference between the two...USA and DPRK.

I am amazed that Kim Jong Un has survived so far...the machinations within that system are very hard...but the same goes for Barack get to be president there, well, that's just as Machiavellian and perverse for sure.

I'm amazed Kim Jon Un did it before he was 30...and has put in place systems to make sure he'll still be there long after Obama is just a memory...that's the amazing thing about Kim Jong Un. He's done it all by 29... and is keeping up the face and the necessary force to keep on keeping on as long as he likes.

He is, in this way, the epitome of the much loved American individualist at full throttle.

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