Saturday 4 March 2017

Living in Thailand during the last rebellion there, it was interesting to note how little we actually need government. The government had been kicked out of 'government house' or parliament and the place was taken over by rebels for about 6 months. The government folk, from Prime Minister down, just either had holidays or worked from home or from offices at the airport (handy) and nothing actually happened. The Government certainly wasn't going to raid or storm the rebels with police, armies or SWAT teams, because if they did, someone would get hurt...and Thais love Thais and taking over the buildings etc is an acceptable form of the expression of democratic freedom.If one accepts that an actual government is just a bunch of people who aren't totally important, then things just go along as things do. Mind you, eventually the rebels went home and the army took over but very few folk were hurt, which is the main thing. Imagine that scenario in China, London or New York...the personages and the importances of the government is so ridiculously delusionally self-important, that many would have been killed and many more hurt. What kind of sick society would do that to its own people?

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