Tuesday 14 March 2017

Fake News and the Media's Attention Deficit Disorder

It is not so much that the News is Fake it is rather that News Providers have what amounts to an Attention Deficit Disorder.

Because of this Disorder, based upon a rapid profit-based 24 hour news cycle, Real News dies off in about 8 hours rather than being investigated and understood.

In retrospect, when looking at the turbulence of the years since 2008, for example, one can note the rationale for what was called The Arab Spring…uprisings across the Arab World. At the time it was envisioned as a struggle towards democracy and freedom but in fact it was a response to the poor getting poorer and there being less money/food in the system following the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.

This same cause for world problems continues today. The 2008 Financial Crash was a far more crippling systemic event than has been touted. These huge financial ‘adjustments’ have always taken at least 20-25 years to go through and now in 2017 we are only half way, if that. The fact that no one was brought to trial or to any justice over the crisis is indicative of just how far away from reality our systems of governance and justice are from being useful to us.

‘Talking up the economy’ world-wide, rather than blaming, gaoling or executing the profiteers, has been the plan. The plan can’t work of course because a hell of a lot of the money has been taken out…and none of it returned.

In the Arab States it was called The Arab Spring and in Western Nations it is called the Rise of Populism, thus Brexit, Trump, the serious changes about to happen in Netherlands, Germany and France this year, a shift to the mad right of Nationalistic politics, all aimed at blaming a group of people for the woes of the whole population. When you look into the issues, it isn’t really about Islam, it is just about people, in general, being poorer than they were before 2008.

Rather than any Leader pointing out this fact, and preparing a population for the long hard times ahead, through good social government, redistribution of resources, and attendance to detail, people are still talking-up the economy, beating that same dead horse, and blaming a section of humanity for all their woes.

A great example of this was when the kind-of-socialist Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, decided to place a reasonable tax on mining companies that would have netted enough funds to balance the country’s budget and make education, health, pensions, etc easy to fund for the next 20 years…he was quickly voted out and basically seen as a pariah by his own party, the opposing party and, indeed, by the people of Australia. Rudd was a problematic being, for sure, in many ways, but he was right. Now the Mining Industry has slumped back down, the basically un-taxed profits have gone elsewhere, and Australia now hates Arabs too.

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