Tuesday 28 March 2017

MELBOURNE REAL ESTATE: from what i can see, in melbourne, you can buy a nice 2 bedroom 1 bathroom rat house for only $2 million dollars...but who would want to do that? It is still a rat house, and no matter how busy you are making connections and interacting with folk and what is that other word for it..., that 'making important contact' word that eludes me...well, that word anyway...that word that blurs the line between being a human being and being an absolute self serving narcissist cunt...what is that word? ...hang on... ah, that's it...Networking...and all that, after you've eaten out at some Tibetan-Thai cafe, you still have to come home to a rat house...and a fucking tiny dirty noisy rat house at that. Melbourne real estate is not a price bubble, its a rat bubble.

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