Sunday 23 April 2017

Melbourne does turn on some beautiful weather, today being a good example. There is something very nice about these old houses, the yards, the trees, the un-mown lawns. End of the day, and it is generally quiet, apart from the dubbed rumble-clatter of the regular trams on their steel to town and coming back. The neighbour's magnolia tree is in flower and the huge blooms point up to the sky and later tumble onto the grass. The leaves of half of the trees are going brown and yellow as the sun moves slightly away as a prelude to the seasonal mood inviting a winter. The shaded spaces become open and the sun pools on the floorboards outside. Bird song, subtle, and poignant, flows across the grass like a simple wave. I recall someone once describing 'birdsong' as a form of 'liquid arrogance'. I agree.

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