Tuesday 11 April 2017

Even the 'worst government on Earth' the DPRK of North Korea (and it is the worst human government on earth, then comes Saudi), whilst it says it will attack and destroy its enemies viciously, it doesn't actually do that at all, and never has, and won't. It is simply making its defence expensively impenetrable...that's all. If your neighbour is Massive China on the one side and the Nuclear US in South Korea, 60km from your border, on the other, you'd be fucking paranoid too, and for good reason. At least China is the real neighbour, and your kinfolk, and so you have to deal with them accordingly. As for South Korea, and Japan... "Go on home, US soldiers, go on home. Have you got no fucking home of your own?" Like Like Love Haha Wow Sad Angry CommentShare Comments Iain Mac Giolla Padraig Write a comment... Iain Mac Giolla Padraig 14 mins · Balwyn North · I think China's 'Walled World Model' where you seriously and very expensively protect yourself, permanently, you do not invade, do not bomb, & do not enforce yourself upon, sovereign nations is a far healthier way to go...for everyone. You do not export revolution, you do not export war, you do not export terror, you do not export poverty, you do not export refugees. You just do your best to trade as best you can with each other. That sounds like peace to me. That sounds like far fewer refugees to me. That sounds like far fewer pointless, meaningless deaths to me. That sounds like human moral responsibility to me. After all these horrible millennia of conquest and strategic horror, we could start there. Where else do we start?

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