Wednesday 12 April 2017

If memory serves me well, it was only 2 years ago on CNN and Al Jazeera that we saw Syrian 'Resistance' Commanders, funded by US tax money, being videoed ripping the hearts out of Syrian conscripted soldiers, whilst still alive, and eating the beating hearts whilst chanting 'Allah is Great". I think it was that usually complete idiot, former Australian PM Tony Abbott who noted that the Syrian conflict was a fight between really bad guys...and so why get involved in that? I believe he was quite correct. I doubt anything has changed in the interim years since then. Both sides have the ability for horror and hubris including chemical weapons. the mistake by the West, especially the US has been the long term military weapons given to the 'Resistance' terrorists. All this has done is accelerate the misery of the many. Now that the Resistance is losing to Assad, obviously, the US wants to get rid of the Government...because they are bad guys. If the US hadn't initiated support for the resistance (including ISIS) then the country would now be at peace and functioning effectively as the fairly advanced modern society it was, before the US got involved. Same with Iraq, same with Libya. All 3 countries, ruled by quite hard and somewhat evil men, for sure, were non-sectarian non-religious based societies doing very well with at least 30% of the society, both men and women, advancing with plans for home ownership, education for kids, etc. I guess, in American terms, both Iraq, now the core people of ISIS, and Libya, with 1700 militia groups fighting for power, both now have...'freedom'.

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