Monday 17 April 2017

A limited surgical Military strike on North Korea by the US (similar to what the US did in Syria last week) would occasion approximately 500,000 bombs and rockets hitting Seoul within the first hour. Interestingly, It may be best to talk. If 10% hit and half of them went off, goodbye South Korea...and for what? That's good for Korea?much better for South and North to talk, and leave the US completely out of it. America is quite a long way away, and they just dont belong in Asia. It is best for Korea to work out what is best for Korea, it is not their job to work out what is best for is not China's job to work out what is best for Korea, or for America, nor is it Russia's job, and it certainly isnt Japan's job. It is no one's job in Asia to work out what is best for the survival of a bankrupt America, nor what is best for Donald Trump.

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