Friday 3 February 2017

The Australian Government has painted itself into a corner regarding refugees. They want to send 2500 Iraqi/Syrian and Iranian men women and children to the USA rather than have them settle in Australia. These poor bastards have been on lonely prison islands in New Guinea for years now, and at massive, massive expense to Australia. we can't actually afford to keep them there. As part of the deal with Obama's administration, Australia vetted and made sure and absolutely guaranteed that these folk were really genuine refugees, seeking refuge, and there is no doubt about that at all. that is not in question at all. The question arises: well, as they are real and genuine proven refugees, under international law, then you must accept them. But rather than doing so, Australian Govt wants the USA to take them, fearing a backlash from the Australian electorate...and fearing a hike in new arrival refugees should the present ones get to Australia. The problem with this Fear is that it can't be made into actual Policy or Law...because it is just a Fear, and not based upon any other concern except fear of voter response. The job of governance involves both making clear laws and decisions, and also, very importantly, persuading people. Australia doesn't have anyone in political office with these skills. If the government of Australia has made an absolute failure of persuading Australians as to what is a good thing for all....I don't think they will have much success with persuading Mr Trump. Not fucking likely I would expect.

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