Wednesday 15 February 2017

People often just glance at news about North Korea, the DPRK, thinking that sometime soon the Regime will fall...but this is a very strong and supple regime....and savvy in the ways of the world, for sure, and no one disagrees that this is the 'worst human government on earth'...because it is...well, next to Saudi Arabia...and the Emirates...but they are our friends anyway...and the Emirates makes very nice aeroplane food...but North Korea is remarkably resilient and will survive many US Presidents and UK Prime Ministers, as it has done already...and it sits in the dead centre of the only region on Earth that could bring about a war that involves us all. The whole world 'power tectonics' are right there. The Middle East doesn't matter in this context...Syria, Israel, Iran, whatever...have wars, don't have wars, exist, don't exist, no one cares...they just don't mean enough anymore. The world HAS changed. North Asia is where it is all happening day by day.

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