Sunday 12 February 2017

Libran Virtues: Libra 1:J: "Well, we have made the small garden now and the bok choi and spring onion seeds should grow a quick easy bright tasty crop before winter. We could dig up some of the yard to plant sunflowers?" Libra 2: "I love sunflowers most of all, too, as you do, but digging-work, no, I don't love them, no, not that much." Libra 1:"Some pots on the veranda outside would grow excellent sunflowers before winter." Libra 2: "Does this involve effort?" Libra 1: "Not at all". Libra 2: "We should certainly do this!" Libra 1: "This is why I suggested this!" Libra 2: "Good plan!" Libra 1: "Good Librans. Beauty without effort. This IS The Way!"

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