Sunday 12 February 2017

Listening the other night to the guy who owns that giant alibaba internet thing, and him talking about the US economy...he made so much sense. When the silicon valley tech boom arose in America so much money was generated, and so much tax etc...billions of gazillions...but instead of investing that huge amount, or any part of it, in America's mid-west etc to develop industry and infrastructure, and connectivity, to be the catalyst for betterment all round, for bettering each self and the collective...America spent it on very expensive wars for decades, wars that they didn't actually win, and that caused massive hatred towards the USA and the rise of terrorism...which is enormously expensive to fight and still never win. Then when the Wall Street folk did their big profiteering, all the billions of tax generated was...spent on bailing out Wall infrastructure, no national development etc...and not one public execution! Thus now the USA is in the dill pickle it is in. Just bad decisions, really bad decisions...for many decades. You can't just start making good decisions and have everything work out fine in 2 weeks, it takes decades and the USA is very behind in terms of looking after itself...very many decades now. What did China do for the last 30 years...massive infrastructure, massive development, and never using a penny of the money coming into the country from trade...theyv'e still got that money, most of it in US currency (although they are thinking of selling their US dollar stocks cheap to Russia if the USA tries a trade war). Smart. Good decisions, for decades, no military alliances, no expensive foreign military bases to pay for all the round the world, etc...and... no wars, not one...and not many hateful enemies...

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