Saturday 29 October 2016

Hilary: I don't have to obey the laws of the USA! After all, I have Bill's surname. I MADE his surname mean something. I am SOMEONE. Don't you Retards get that? Why do you think I have hung around with him for so long? For his taste in women? I have much better taste in women, and I deserve this job because I have suffered enough. I don't need to obey your weak pissy little laws. This is about ME." An interesting perspective...but a kind of sad old person who missed their chance... beaten by a brighter young black man, years ago.

Hilary: I don't have to obey the laws of the USA! After all, I have Bill's surname. I MADE his surname mean something. I am SOMEONE. Don't you Retards get that? Why do you think I have hung around with him for so long? For his taste in women? I have much better taste in women, and I deserve this job because I have suffered enough. I don't need to obey your weak pissy little laws. This is about ME." An interesting perspective...but a kind of sad old person who missed their chance... well beaten by a brighter young black man, years ago now.

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