Thursday 27 November 2014

Day Off, the first of 3

Day off, the first of 3; the various jangles of the working week jangle their way out of memory, off & into the unrecorded past. Fully gone.
Phones have been ringing from the Church but I can't always answer phones about religion. It is too personal a topic to be shared with priests.
I had a letter published in the Cairns Post again today, so that was nice. I like to see my thoughts printed out.
I stopped in on the way driving home from dropping Lisa at work at the fishing shop and bought a few jigs, a handline and some lead sinkers.
Goodness me, there must be a lot of lead sinkers in the sea.
I was going to buy an Alvey Rod and Reel for Lisa for $70 but I didn't , but I probably will. That's a good price for the best fish-catching machine known on Earth.
2 Days more off work away from the various machinations of private psychiatry...having left behind the profound burden of palliative care now. What to do?
Read a John Steinbeck novel, again, and go fishing...pick up Lisa's Alvey Rod and Reel on the way.
A few green prawns, look for a high tide and a quiet sea and just catch fish for awhile.
Life at 61. Not bad. Not bad at all.

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