Thursday 20 November 2014

40,000 hits, and a statement

This Turtle House blog has had about 40,000 hits so far, which is something, I guess, with me not actually too sure of what a blog or a hit is, or means, but I'm sure it means something a fraction more than nothing.

The ads that appear on this blog, everything from prostatic health, to anti-smoking campaigns, to Bookbinders in Gordonvale, to buying Phillipine prostitutes to bring home really has nothing to do with me at all.

Even though I am Australian born, I do not agree with the Australian Government on just about everything they do that fucks up peoples lives.

Unlike most Australians, I support refugee arrivals & I have no territorial or resource acquisition ambitions in Arabia at all.

I am fortunate to be an Australian, due to the wealth that comes out of the earth, though I dont own that wealth, nor will I be responsible when it runs out...I am not proud of what this place does or represents at all, especially in the rampant destruction of its youth via the massive power of the alcohol barons, a power unaddressed by every government. Unfortunately, we can choose our friends and our own ideas, but we can't choose our own Nation to begin with. That one takes a lifetime. Australia has some good points, as does Croatia. I'm not proud that Croatia actually exists as it is, nor that Australia actually exists as it is, but I do note that both do exist.

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