Saturday 17 December 2016

The Removalists come in the morning, or so they say. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. I really don't know really doesn't matter any more...much like Colonel Kurtz somewhere in the lost Apocalypse jungles of just doesn't matter any more...I've gone beyond all that....2.15am at the moment, the screech of packing tape and the slash of the blade. They call him "Box-Cutter Johnny" now.

The Removalists come in the morning, or so they say. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. I really don't know really doesn't matter any more...much like Colonel Kurtz somewhere in the lost Apocalypse jungles of just doesn't matter any more...I've gone beyond all that....2.15am at the moment, the screech of packing tape and the slash of the blade. They call me "Box-Cutter Johnny" now.

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