Thursday 15 December 2016

COUNTDOWN: Day 2-1+1?: SUNSET: Having a break from home moving preparations...having put down the shovel (after tracking down the call centre Indian guy who phoned once to sell us a new telecom system...cutting off his head...and burying him in the Cairns Pavilions compound yard). One bottle of Guinness (It is a cry for help). Good. Now the angina and the cold sores indicative of too much human movement for someone who usually lives on a lounge imitating a walrus, have settled down, I am spending a moment recalling my youth... There we were, at 20 years of age, cold and craven, travelling about Northern Italy. Having fun, being poor. My great platonic friend Maximus de Bono and myself....spending those long beautiful evenings in Tuscany waxing each others chests whilst Caravaggio played flute in the background...the torture of bliss...but...that's another story...we were living just near where George Clooney has his big house there...on the shore of Lake Como...Oh, dear George...but that's another story...

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