Monday 12 December 2016

DAY 4 COUNTDOWN. The highly complex Daikin Air con System is now fixed. Without getting too technical about it, from what I can gather, the starboard nacelle was hit by Romulan disruptor fire (as can often happen in the Tropics) and that caused the warp core to eject itself into a separate space-time continuum existing only as Red Matter. The air con technicians implemented a Level 5 scan of the unit and the surrounding solar mass and replaced the dilithium crystals whilst re-routing the subspace geometry through a Borg Geodesic Cooling Cube. Thus the air con technicians, or the Daikin Militia (also known as The Refrigerants) told me. You see, I was wrong... I thought that the Ferengi had stolen the bio-neural self-cooling gel-paks via the Jeffries Tube in the Theta Generator Annexe of the main deflector dish. I guess we are just lucky we didn't go beyond Warp 4 whilst all that was happening or there would have been a breach in the core. . Paperwork posted off. House remains a jumble of things and boxes.

The highly complex Daikin Air con System is now fixed. Without getting too technical about it, from what I can gather, the starboard nacelle was hit by Romulan disruptor fire (as can often happen in the Tropics) and that caused the warp core to eject itself into a separate space-time continuum existing only as Red Matter.
The air con technicians implemented a Level 5 scan of the unit and the surrounding solar mass and replaced the dilithium crystals whilst re-routing the subspace geometry through a Borg Geodesic Cooling Cube.
Thus the air con technicians, or the Daikin Militia (also known as The Refrigerants) told me.
You see, I was wrong... I thought that the Ferengi had stolen the bio-neural self-cooling gel-paks via the Jeffries Tube in the Theta Generator Annexe of the main deflector dish. 
I guess we are just lucky we didn't go beyond Warp 4 whilst all that was happening or there would have been a breach in the core.
Paperwork posted off. House remains a jumble of things and boxes.

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