Thursday 17 January 2019

The Truth Seekers/ Mr & Mrs Fitzpatrick. They often didn't talk much. They both worked different shifts, and a lot of them, in different professions, but usually arrived together at home at about 1am, and they would make some dinner or snack for each other. Sometimes a barbecue. They usually ended up in bed at about 2am or 3am somehow. She would be playing some game on her phone, some game that went 'beep' and then 'bop' and he would be watching some netflix movie or series on the tablet in the bed. Facing opposite directions, she would usually throw her leg back over his hip. His job was to hold her small foot in his large hand, and massage it for awhile, and then forget to, until her foot kicked him, then he would massage it again for awhile until he forgot; and that's how they lived their joy in the world, in that intimate silence when all that was ordinary was glowing.

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