Saturday 26 January 2019

Noticing that 3 Federal Govt Ministers this week have made their plans to not re-contesting the upcoming Federal Election because they wish to spend more time with their families. That's exactly what Alpha type characters do once they've fought and struggled their bitter way to positions of significance and power, of course...they just go home to be with the kids. Take them to soccer. Australia may not have to have an election this year if the Members of the Government keep going home to be with their kids at the present rate. Just hand over the keys to the Opposition, and start talking about the costs of after school care and kids parties amongst themselves. I wish Peter Dutton would go home...but I would feel sorry for his family I must admit. Imagine having him at home all the time. "We need to stop the toast! If we are going to have any toast it must be toast that we choose to have and have in the manner we choose to have it with the various prescribed condiments." For the sake of your family Peter, you should stay in Canberra. A good few years grumbling in Opposition would be better for everyone.

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