Sunday 4 June 2017

You don't have to look back very far to see how things have gone. There was the 2008 Global financial crisis...a Massive World Recession that wasn't allowed to be called that. A Recession with a big impact for 20-25 years...still rolling out. In response to this, wealth went from countryside to city, thus the new Rising of London City and New York City (+LA) as Elite City-States with all the money. Then, There was the Brexit vote... people in England countryside were far worse off than people in London, so they wanted things to change...thus Brexit. In the USA, people in the country were much worse off than the City States of New York (+LA) so they wanted change and thus Trump. In the Middle East the impact of the GFC was catastrophic for anyone not really rich...thus the rise of terrorism. Fortunately, through the wisdom and intelligence of the Communist Party of China, the impact of the GFC was minimal...and the bad guys who participated in this remarkable theft there were in fact taken out and shot rather than given more money, as the west gave their criminals. Thus China leapt ahead 30 peaceful years in a day...and the West receded into the new beginnings of real poverty and a lot more war...which is simply a larger form of terrorism.

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