Sunday 11 June 2017

on islamists and christianists etc

There's nothing wrong with having one's own ideas and building up a world view based upon them and upon both curiosity and experience.
There's nothing wrong with rejecting the swill we are fed in Australia, whether we be citizens or immigrants or hard battled is the same swill.
There's nothing wrong with believing in our own notions, with thinking our own remarkable thoughts, with sharing them, and with speaking our own ideas (if you can think it, you can speak it), and acting upon these ideas, as we see fit.
The structural and cultural limitations on thought are pretty fucking obvious in Australia, and have been backward, white, xenophobic, bizarre and sick, and self-defeating for 200 years, but that doesn't mean shit in the long term if you are prepared to think for yourself, as you are, right now. Keep That Faith. There ain't no church for that, except yourself.
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On The Subject of Islamist (I doubt that 'Islamist' is actually a real word yet, because it doesn't actually define anything, but we do tend to drive it into currency, even though it can't actually mean is the same as saying a Christianist, or a Buddhistist, or a Jewistist) De-Radicalisation, as a psychological fantasy-phenomenon...I tink I missed my callin', you know. I think I woulda made a damn fine Irish Jesuit rogue priest, all in black, with samurai sword on the back, and AK47 under the underarm in South America...and with five children...sigh, ah well, only the one life, so it goes, so I should find some peace in that, to be sure, to be sure...but I am not without regret. 'Be Mindful. Change your Mind, Change the World' that's what they say, these days, but you know in your heart that whether they be psychologists or jihadists, they are teaching the same shit, and they're just as fucking crazy as each other, after all.

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