Saturday 13 May 2017

We drove a few hours to see the Fairy Penguins wander up the beach on Phillip Island the other afternoon at sunset. They are lovely little creatures indeed, so very endearing. They arise after swimming and diving and feeding in the cold sea all day and come out of the sea either singularly or in little groups and then form a bigger group, waiting for stragglers, before dashing up the exposed beach to the safety of the rocks and grasses calling out to each other 'hup hup hup hup!' then they have a 5 minute collective power-nap, and then waddle to their own little huts in the sand dunes. Lovely beings. the trouble was that as the time of their arrival was somewhat uncertain, somewhere around sunset, it was hard to have a good meal before sitting there and waiting for them and watching them and, unfortunately, the cafe at the Penguin Protection Society Building didn't serve them roasted in pies. I could have eaten 3.

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