Tuesday 2 May 2017

NORTH ASIA:I tink Mr Trump has realised the Great Levelling Understanding about North Asia...and North Korea...compared with the Middle East...if a few nukes go off in the Middle East, we'd only really lose a few million arabs and jews who most folk don't particularly like anyway, but in North Asia, there'd be around 300 million due to the Human Density of that area. The human scale of North Asia is the amazing thing, and it is massively productive all the time...and the speed of development and improvement in the present!!! Never seen before on Earth...North Asia, and its rapid development, is the only reason on Earth that there is far less poverty now, world wide, than there ever was...and it is why North Asia is the Wheel of the ...well,...pretty well everything on earth that needs to turn.If the wheel of North Asia doesn't turn, then neither does the wheel of London, New York, SE Asia, Africa, India, Australia etc. North Asia is the place that's actually happening for everyone, and for every economy on Earth. You don't bomb that place. Ever. You include it.

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