Tuesday 16 May 2017

One of the major issues with PTSD is not so much the terrible dreams and the flashbacks, or the destruction of human families, but rather that the person cannot logically plan ahead within themselves because the tract of human consciousness (all thought, all emotion, all spirituality) gets stuck around the massive intensity of the bad experience...thus quite bright and lovely people have less capacity to actually progress through the years by planning and living; being functionally stuck back there. This can happen to anyone. You don't have to have 'shell shock' in a war...you just have to have had a really traumatic experience in life...and life is actually like this...traumatic things happen. Awful things happen whether through accident or design. You can't actually fix that...you can't actually fix PTSD...this is why it is very important for people, generally, not to go to wars if they are possibly avoidable. There is enough PTSD in the world from normal events as they are without going into something where, by its nature, horrible things must happen, and horrible things are driven to happen, for whatever reason. We should be very very very careful, far more careful than we are or have ever been, in dispatching our best young into massive violence where no laws or values can ever apply.

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