Thursday 10 November 2016

What Trump also means for America, much as Brexit does for England, is that Trump brings together the looney left and the far right (i.e. the forgotten Working Class) in a big squeeze on the 'Middle' ...the middle class of the Cities...and this kind of squeeze on wealth and privilege is well overdue. If either England or USA had provided good services across the whole societies, education and opportunities, the need for Brexit and Trump would not exist...but as things are, Brexit and Trump do need to exist and to have and hold and use real power.

What Trump also means for America, much as Brexit does for England, is that Trump brings together the looney left and the far right (i.e. the forgotten Working Class) in a big squeeze on the 'Middle' ...the well-off middle class of the Cities...and this kind of squeeze on wealth and privilege is well overdue. If either England or USA had provided good services across the whole societies, education and opportunities, the need for Brexit and Trump would not exist...but as things are, Brexit and Trump do need to exist and to have and hold and use real power to make the essential adjustments.

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