Saturday 12 November 2016

Remember last year, the Australian Government was boasting that the Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement was the One Thing that was going to make Australia capable of surviving economically in the world...and it also formed the economic basis of a semi-military pact against the Rise of China...never a good idea. Now, of course, with President Trump, it has gone. Dead. Too many eggs in that dodgy basket. We will have too see what China analysts say about the Australian economy. China has many more, and more gifted, economic and social analysts studying Australia than Australia has. The one thing that China does very, very well, is Objective Analysis of each world country and analysis of itself, all the time, learning, investing in knowledge. It is a bit more organised than the Romans ever were yet none of its wealth or growth includes invasions or wars. It is a new kind of world civilisation...and we don't get it yet. maybe in 300 years when it fully rises.

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