Thursday 10 November 2016

Interesting Comrades...A friend of mine, 45, Jimbo, is a mad fascist, anti Jew, anti-....well, arabs, blacks, everyone except gays etc. Moderately educated white guy, health professional. I'm 63, moderately educated white guy, health professional...a communist by philosophy and a libertarian by nature. I don't hate jews nor any particular religious group at all, I don't hate any races except a bit of despising obese white Australians and old people riding around in supermarkets on mobility scooters... both of us are equally overjoyed that Trump won. Neither of us are Americans, but we are both very happy. The old notions of Left V Right are fused from the edges and burning fiercely into the middle.

Interesting Comrades...A friend of mine, 45, Jimbo, is a mad fascist, anti Jew, anti-....well, arabs, blacks, everyone except gays etc. Moderately educated white guy, health professional.
I'm 63, moderately educated white guy, very pro-transexual, health professional...a communist by philosophy and a libertarian by nature. I don't hate jews nor any particular religious group at all, I'm very very pro-refugees and support the UNHCR every month, I don't hate any races except a bit of despising obese white Australians and old people riding around in supermarkets on mobility scooters...
Now, both Jimbo and I, both of us, are equally overjoyed that Trump won. Neither of us are Americans, but we are both very happy with both Brexit & Trump. The old notions of Left V Right are fused from the edges and burning fiercely into the middle. These are interesting times and, indeed, good times...apart from the dissolving economy.

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