Monday 28 November 2016

Reducing Domestic Violence Against Women isn't Rocket Science nor will it be done by re-educating Men. To seek to bring about social change by re-educating Men is a Wank and that's all it is. I've been wearing a black plastic anti-domestic violence armband for about 2 years now. I bought it at a pub, interestingly enough. It is about stopping violence against women, and I agree that is a worthy goal. At the same time, violence against anyone of any of the 3 or 4 genders, is also equally important. Why not just have an anti-violence armband? Or better still, not need an armband and just cut hotel open times by 4 hours a day and you get a massive reduction in all violence anyway...beyond what any Program can ever hope to do...then just reduce opening times by an hour a day ongoing for about 5 years...and you will get a society with much less violence...and isn't that necessary, really? It would work. No one would suffer that way...if we are actually really interested in stopping the suffering and violence. Commitment is all it takes. Commitment, continuity...and you have it. the Answer is quite easy...but the hard question is Do we really Want less violence?

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