Thursday 10 November 2016

Noting the response of the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm "The Fizzer" Turnbull: "I don't want any Australians to feel as really, really uncertain and downright shit scared as I do right now...everything is fine with the Alliance, no problems here...we can outsmart and bully China all by ourselves..." Meanwhile, the Leader of the Australian Labor Party, "Barking Mad" Bill Shorten isn't saying anything until he can work out what important folk would like him to say...which is...nothing.

Noting the response of the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm "The Fizzer" Turnbull: "I don't want any Australians to feel as really, really uncertain and downright shit scared as I do right now...everything is fine with the Alliance, no problems here...we can outsmart and bully China all by ourselves...we'll cut off their sea trade routes whenever we feel they are unfair...or... too Chinese..."
Meanwhile, the Leader of the Australian Labor Party, "Barking Mad" Bill Shorten isn't saying anything until he can work out what important folk would like him to say...which is...nothing. Whatever you do, Bill, what ever you do...don't.

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