Wednesday 22 September 2010

Real Death by Real Choice: An Analysis of the Meaning in Japanese Shinto Suicide. Thoughts that arise when reading the works of Yukio Mishima

ritual disembowelment, as a form of chosen death in a brief life of 30 to 100 years,  with a perfectly sharp sword made for this purpose of violence, is not ever done for others; or for some human or godly cause.
it is the planned, accurate, effective and worthy way to end ourselves, simply because we mean too much in our time for the time to bear. Time is limited, as is its burden.

this death must be more painful than anything in our worst life experience to have meaning.

this noble death is the gift of ourself to ourself at the end we choose for ourself.

this death is not taking pills, or using a gun, or jumping out, or driving some car into a wall.

the death we choose must be more thoughtful and purposeful than the life.

it has nothing to do with cause and effect and it has nothing to do with others and nothing to do with disease at all.

it is our own honour we sacrifice to our own knife in our own hand in our own time for our own purpose.

in this way only can we understand the meaning of our own death for ourself before we dont exist.

there is nothing that is made wrong or right simply by thinking it or by doing it.

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