Wednesday 29 September 2010


I must admit that I'm not a fan of the Great Religions. My experience of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Tibetan Mahayana Yellow Hat Buddhism is that they take from the poor and unimportant and powerless to make themselves rich and important and powerful, and then make insane, divisive, unilateral proclamations in the name of Someone Else who they all represent.

I feel a lot more confident dealing with a businessman from Shanghai in that we both know what the deal is and what it is about. There's an appreciated honesty in that dishonesty; a crusty insouciance that would go well, I'd think, with lemons in a naturally sour salad.

As for Roman Catholicism, well... it would be wrong to say that the cover-up of extensive sexual abuse currently under way under the guidance of the Pope is any form of aberration of that holy institution. It is no aberration, but rather abuse is the Rock upon which that Church is built and it is the reason the Church has done so well for so long on Earth. the idea of putting odd celibate men in charge of and in total control of pubescent could anyone on Earth, not only now, but ever, ever, for one minute, have thought that that was or is a really good idea? Islam, Christianity etc these were/are the seats of human wisdom? The Great Thinkers? Yeah, sure.

I don't know anything about Hinduism, thank Christ.

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