Tuesday 21 September 2010

Books In Progress

There's two Writing Projects I'm working on. These will take a few years.

One: The Rama Project deals with the meaning and illusion of life and is really about how all meaning and illusion are the one exact same thing, and the real secret of life is to never seek to separate them; and that this deep truth is known basically by everyone, except by wankers. The Rama Project is a very hard piece to write. It may be the death of me.

Two: Brother Tamada: This is a serious moral study, as raw comedy, overflowing with swear words, of Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Ford's Apocalypse Now. It is the story of a Japanese Christian Brother, Brother Tamada, who wanders the earth of remote rural China as an English Grammar Tutor... and a secret agent of a major religion (where the leader wears funny hats). It begins with: How the fuck did I end up in Cheng Du? 

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