Tuesday 22 December 2015

'Next-Senator for Far North Queensland' John Fitzpatrick's 10 Core Policies for Australia:

 here is my ten point policy platform for my run for Senator here:

'Next-Senator for Far North Queensland' John Fitzpatrick's 10 Core Policies:

Policy One: "If the country can afford to pay a locum psychiatrist $2000 a day, give them a car and a house, then we could increase nurses pay rates quite a bit...at least double them, and double the penalty rates for everyone working those ungodly hours caring for others, and in all the service industries, dealing with others, outside normal hours."

Policy Two: "Our Defence Forces should be helping Australians facing perennial disasters here rather than causing disasters for others a long way away. It'd be a hundred times cheaper and the outcomes would be much better for our country and for the world."

Policy Three: "Australia needs to make itself into a Republic, with our own Head of State who is not the Fxxking Queen of England, nor any of her gross bizarre progeny. Royalty has been a remarkably expensive human experiment in genetics that failed miserably. Look at Saudi Arabia, England, and North Korea. Genetic manipulation is not a good idea. Genetic Superiority is not acceptable as a system or creed. It forms the base of the most odious discrimination within the human family."

Policy Four: "Australia needs immigrants right now for us to have any decent future. We don't need to torture them in New Guinea out of self-fear and self-loathing, and general gross spite towards others."

Policy Five: "The decision to end one's life via Euthanasia or Palliative Care should be equally available to every Australian. This is not a Medical Decision, this is not a Religious Decision, this is a Secular Human decision of mandated people with free will, based upon human compassion and understanding of mortality."

Policy Six: A simple once-only 5 year term for all elected politicians that cannot be renewed. It's not a career, it is a public service to the people. It begins, you do your best, and then it ends. The last thing that any country needs, or can afford, are career politicians."

Policy Seven: No Church or Religious Entity should be allowed to operate tax-free in a secular society. This is grossly unfair to tax payers. This is a form of rank and destructive discrimination and manipulation.

Policy Eight: The Australian Government is responsible for the safety, security, well being, education, health and retirement of every Australian and this responsibility cannot be dissolved or handed over to anyone or any other entity, including charities. We are too advanced, and too inclusive, as a human group, to ever need third world charity in our cities, towns and remote places.

Policy Nine: Large corporations should be taxed effectively and profitably by the people of Australia, for the people of Australia.

Policy Ten: Indigenous Australians have no special rights except collective and fair land ownership, and mining rights, as decided by the High Court of Australia. There begins and ends the responsibility for all Australians in this matter.

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