Tuesday 8 December 2015

A Nuclear Dump Girt by Sea

I note our Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull saying that Australians are living in the most exciting time, ever, and that all we need to do is to be more innovative, and also get rid of Penalty Rates for Nurses, Shop Assistants, and all those folk who don't matter a fuck..//...and, damn it, I agree with him. As an Australian born free thinking man I can do without Penalty Rates, and I can do without my own toilet for that matter, too. I'm happy to defecate and piss anywhere, as has been the lucky fortune and life story of our Prime Minister...leading by example...and what an example this shallow, primitive, rich cunt is.
Yes, of course, my country, and Malcolm's country would be a good place to store the world's nuclear waste...after all, it's just a shit-country anyway..and it would make a buck for a few years...and that's all that matters.
Makes me wonder why other advanced nations aren't doing the same right now...makes me wonder why they need us for them to be safe, unpolluted and respected in the long haul of the years. A Nuclear Dump? can we fit that into the National Anthem...a Nuclear Dump Girt By Sea perhaps.

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