Monday 16 March 2015

a terrorist is someone who loses the first childish battle against the state. history teaches us that they will have a good chance of winning the next battle.

My favourite quote from Yukio Mishima, the so very Japan-Shinto-centric literature genius.

He'd make a damn good terrorist now. He was the greatest writer in Japan and was honoured as such. How things change to suit the flexible appropriate morality of our foolish times.

I like Mishima. His mind and his literary contribution were of a magnificent standard to go well beyond winning the Nobel Prize, but they wouldn't ever give it to him, & even now, posthumously, they wont ever give it to him and simply because he loved his Emperor, his Nation, Japan, and he loved and rejoiced in its intrinsically pure meaning far, far too much. he's the best writer Japan has ever produced and yet his contribution to world literature is seen as basically bad even now because we don't like what he said and felt as a person, as one of us.

"Border Control for the Human Consciousness". Some of us call it 'Mindfulness'.

Now, back to the cleaning of the apartment.

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