We dropped off car the Honda Jazz at the Car Transporters for the haulage from Cairns to Melbourne. Company name: Prixcars. I asked "Do you pronounce that Pre-cars or Pricks-cars?
The man with the lazy gaze replied: "Depends who's drivin' it, mate."
Mrs Fitz went into an apoplexy when the ancient yet savage looking giant junk-yard dog ceremoniously peed on the car tyres, thus taking total possession of and responsibility for the vehicle. I thought we might have to employ the Jaws of Life to cut through the car to get Mrs Fitz out, but it worked out ok.
So, the big removals twuck should come tomorrow, Saturday. Gas, electricity and water is connected to the Melbourne abode. Sunday will be cleaning up here.
We have to pick up some of Tianshu's university documents in Townsville en that should mean heading off Monday morning from here 6am. Do-able.
Strange how, from an impossible, unlikely situation, it becomes do-able with some effort and some luck and some grace.
Still, as noted, if Donald Trump can become the President of the USA, indeed, anything is possible.