Thursday 31 October 2019

There isn't much bitterness left in me now, at 66. There was quite a lot, or at least some, for about a decade in my fifties and early 60s...things that had gone wrong, the various unfairnesses, the being foolish, the people who did, actually, do me great harm and wrong...etc...and the denying of the harm I did to other people etc...but that all seems to be gone now. I think it is what happens to most people. Not all, not everything happens to everyone, but I think most of the things that happen, unless we are in war, are pretty common to us as generic human stock. What would coffee be without a hint of bitterness? Just a plain sweet drink that makes your teeth fall out. I think I've mentioned the studies on Human Happiness and that, in general, life is pretty happy when one is young, a child etc, and then as maturity and responsibility arrive most folk experience unhappiness for a long time in various forms, though not all the time, and then, in late life, without those responsibilities etc, then life becomes kind of happy again. It's got nothing to do with who we are or what we've done, or whether we have been bad or good, etc, it's just the Wheel of Human Life, not for everyone, but for most. I've never been against the notion of self killing, suicide, etc, at all as I believe this is quite normal also. Death, does, indeed, acquit us of all responsibility. But I have suggested to folk who wish to do so, that, for their own enjoyment possible, to consider the Wheel, and how, in general, things don't get much worse and sometimes, do get a lot better...not forever etc...but for enough of the time we are alive. If you wish to kill yourself at 60, well, fair enough. But remember that no matter how you die, the folk who love you will grieve for you and, really, after a year, no matter how you die, they won't miss you so much, don't do it for them. We are a passing parade.

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