Thursday 3 October 2019

I guess some folk think that China could collapse, and give freedom to the narcissistic well off young Honk Kongers, the incestuous pederast Tibetans, the Mad Manchurians, the terrorist Uighurs, etc, and I guess it could, but it would be centuries after Hawaii achieves separate nation hood, by direct war with the USA, and long after the Dharug Mob own Sydney again, and sets up borders in Neutral Bay, and the Tasmanian Aborigines re-take Tasmania by Force. There will be One China for many, many hundreds of years to come and the impact of New China will be more influential in all the forms, money, art, science, technology, than the Romans ever were, and all without War. A new type of Human Civilisation. We will, over the decades, having been bred on the USA and the UKs multiple horrid wars, just have to get used to that, to get used to world peace. it won't be easy for us to do that, but we won't have a choice. Peace is good. Peace is better. Peace works. War is hell, and we can't win that war...we can't depend on Hell anymore to make things better for us. China will make things a lot better for China. What we does up to us, but I'd suggest we look after each other rather than to pre-figure or prescribe some make an enemy of people who only want to buy and sell stuff with us anyway.

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