Saturday 27 October 2018

I was always concerned that matters in Asia were controlled by America but with the rise of Trump and the departure of America from this area, I feel some hope. Asia is a matter for Asians, controlled totally by Asians. For this reason, I support Trump in letting go of Asia. Asia was always far too expensive to maintain, and just too far away for America. It was never part of America. Never will be, never can be. Asia is Asia. As the Chinese note...when you look at it...on the the Chinese see it, China IS Asia, and I think this is true to the same extent that America IS Canada and Mexico, Central America, and most of South America etc...this is a reality. This is how things are. China IS Asia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia etc. That's really what China is...and China is doing well. It should be enough for America to wield power and might within its own borders, and through Canada, through Mexico and South America etc...that is enough. There needs to be no war or clash of minds or cultures etc. The USA is...America, fundamentally North and South. Asia is Asia, and... China is Asia. And, just yesterday, China and Japan came to some agreement that would have been impossible if America was a powerful country anymore in Asia. China and, these brothers have a lot to work out, and they will work it out a lot better left to themselves and the fate of each other. Even the one Korea is doing better now, North working with South, without America in it at all. This is a good thing. As for me, growing up in a Sydney suburb, working class, not many prospects, my dad being persecuted and unemployable because he was a catholic in Sydney in this days, anyway, I worked as a poetry editor for a decade from 1970 after a good catholic school education, before my publishing company well, we went broke with the new technology and sold out to a tobacco company, Benson & Hedges, and BP Oil, who bought us up to prove their credentials as ... socially aware... so they could acquire government grants...etc in the late 1970s and so... i did nursing/ I am sure it wasn't a good idea, but, at the time, it was an idea. I have liked some of it.

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