Friday 23 September 2016

Wow, the blog readership is up. There's a lot of people interested in North Asia...not people in Australia (a bunch of babies) of course, but in Russia, the US and Europe. Cool. Nice to see. It is, after all the only place on earth where any war could ever mean anything to everyone. The importance of the Middle East means less to everyone everyday in terms of the real impact.That's a good thing. That's realistic. Real war in the Middle east...Israel, Palestine, Saudi, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Iran etc...war doesn't mean anything...except for what can be destroyed...but in North Asia with Russia, China, The Koreas, The US, and Japan, Peace means Everything That Exists in the Present and in the Future, for Everyone. Anyone can and does fuck around with the Middle East...obviously...Americans break a cease fire to kill Syrian Soldiers they are not even at war with, and no one cares...but very few fuck around with North Asia. We are not that stupid. North Asia is far too important to us all.

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