Thursday 29 September 2016


The recent News Fiesta of the American Presidential Race and Debates (Number One) was fascinating in showing just how much News Channels, world wide, private and public, express the need to provide a particular narrative to suit or perhaps sometimes sway their audiences. I think, over all, they just want to provide News that their audiences prefer, rather than seek to sway folk as only the American stations can have a real role in sway-bias.
By saying 'narrative' I do mean 'bias'. Having access to a number of National and International News Services it was interesting to note the narratives and how they played to various biases within communities.
In Australia, the Australian Broadcasting Commission ABC and The Special Broadcasting Service, SBS; both Public News Networks, played the narrative as very Pro-Clinton without being abashed about this at all, as did most of the Australian Commercial Channels, either Free to Air or cable.
CNN USA provided very pro-Clinton views as did the BBC, and as did Al Jazeera from Doha. CNN was particularly anti-Trump.
Fox pushed a very hard Pro-Trump line, as did RT Russian Television.
Both Fox and CNN are important in that the Bulk of Americans, the "Basket of Deplorable & The Bunch of Babies" have direct capacities to influence voters and use this power without any notion regarding to balance or general fairness.
As noted some time back, and reinforced by the Debate smorgasbord, the two international channels NHK Japan and CCTV China did provide very good objective analyses of the event and the general Presidential race. NHK Japan often does provide very good, if simple, analysis of world events (except anything to do with islands under discussion in the South China Sea, and even when discussing these problematic areas, NHK does approach the subject with some sense of decorum. China's CCTV over all provides the best objective news, with a complexity of depth and analysis that is years ahead in terms of accuracy and objectivity than any other channel, world wide.

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