Monday 19 September 2016

anyway, no big deal, the Middle East...if peace was most useful to the real world, it would have happened there years ago. No one likes the arabs, no one likes the jews. They are the same people anyway. The only reason war persists is that this area isn't important anymore to the real world and real politiks. The only reason that war doesn't happen around North Korea is because North Asia is actually really really important for all of us. In terms of war and peace and the future of the species, it is only North Asia that can mean anything at all. The Middle East doesn't have the weapons, the numbers, in terms of human density, the hatreds, the remarkable mineral and human wealth,the productivity dividends, or the real potential for humans as a species any more. The Middle East had their brief time being Something to worry about. Who cares if Israel or Palestine don't exist? Who cares if America and the UK destroy Iraq or Syria? It can't matter. A big war in the Middle east is do-able, a war in Europe is do-able, a war in South East Asia is do-able, a big war within America is do-able...a big war in Australia is do-able...but a big war in North Asia cannot be ever allowed to happen...that would be true human insanity. We are not as insane as we think. North Asia is our Real Human Common Future...and that is why War is avoided there at all cost...and it always will be. North Korea can continue to be the world's third worst human government (ISIS, SAUDI, DPRK), the Russians, the Chinese and the Americans can tool about with all their fancy weapons as much as they wish...but a war there would kill us all and no -one will ever allow that to happen. As for Palestine and as for Israel...they will both thankfully pass into history as they should...with little harm done to the positive good human collective at all.

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