Wednesday 29 April 2015

The Week ahead in North Korea

The week ahead in North Korea
North Korea Freedom Week
  • The North Korea Freedom Week Coalition will host their annual weeklong event in Washington D.C. from April 26 to May 2.
  • A full list of events can be found here.
HRNK Report Launch: “Arsenal of Terror: North Korea, State Sponsor of Terrorism”
  • The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea will host this event as part of North Korea Freedom Week in Washington D.C. on April 27.
  • Suzanne Scholte, president of the North Korea Freedom Coalition, will deliver some opening remarks.
  • Joshua Stanton, author of “Arsenal of Terror: North Korea, State Sponsor of Terrorism,” will give a presentation on his new report.
  • Nicholas Eberstadt, Harry Wendt chair in political economy at AEI, and Marcus Noland, executive vice president and director of studies at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, will have a discussion about the report’s contents.
  • Greg Scarlatoiu, executive director of HRNK will moderate the discussion.
  • Send RSVP requests to
  • Hors d’oeuvres will be served and a cash bar will be available. Complimentary copies of the report will be available for all in attendance. 
  • For more information click here.
Maintaining Focus on North Korean Human Rights Violations
  • The Heritage Foundation will host this event as part of North Korea Freedom Week in Washington D.C. on April 28.
  • Panel 1: “North Korean Defectors Highlight Abuses” will be moderated by Suzanne Scholte, chair of the North Korea Freedom Coalition. Panelists include; Kim Seong-min, founder and director of Free North Korea Radio; Choi Jeong-hun, commander North Korea People’s Liberation Front; Lee So-yeon, representative of New Korea Women’s Alliance; and Park Kun-ha, representative of North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity.
  • Panel 2: “Policy Recommendations for the United States” will be moderated by Bruce Klinger, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation. Panelists include; Jared Genser, managing director of Perseus Strategies; Roberta Cohen, nonresident fellow at the Brookings Institution; and Lee Sung-yoon, professor in Korean studies at the Fletcher School, Tufts University.
  • For more information and to RSVP click here.
North Korea’s Forced Labor Enterprise: A State-Sponsored Marketplace in Human Trafficking 
  • The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission will host this congressional hearing in Washington D.C. on April 29.
  • Panel 1 will feature Ambassador Robert King, special envoy for North Korean human rights issues at the U.S. Department of State.
  • Pane 2 will feature; Greg Scarlatoiu, executive director of the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea; Lim Il, co-director for the International Network for the Human Rights of North Korean Overseas Labor; and John Sifton, Asia advocacy directory at Human Rights Watch.
  • For more information click here.
People with Disabilities in a Changing North Korea
  • The Korea Society will host this lecture in New York City on April 30.
  • Katharina Zellweger, visiting fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University and former North Korea country director for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, will speak about the experience of disabled people in North Korea.
  • Admission to this event is $10 for members and $20 for non-members.
  • For more information click here.
Green Detente: Opportunities for North-South Environmental Engagement
  • The Asia Institute, Arirang Institute, and The Korea Society are hosting this lecture in Seoul on April 30.
  • A panel of experts will discuss the current status of environmental collaboration between the two Koreas and where such cooperation may lead in the future. 
  • Panelists include; Emanuel Pastreich, director of the Asia Institute; Hong Sang Jung, vice administrator of the Korea Meteorological Administration; Bernhard Seliger, resident representative of the Hanns Seidel Foundation; and General Kim Ki-ho Ret., president of the Korea Green Peace Coalition. 
  • For more information click here.
Meet the Author: James Pearson “North Korea Confidential
  • James Pearson, correspondent at Reuters and co-author of “North Korea Confidential,” will discuss his new book at a meet the author even in Seoul on April 30.
  • “North Korea Confidential” describes how North Korea’s famine in the 1990s propelled the country down a path towards gradual marketization and a form of capitalism.
  • This event is invitation only.
  • For more information click here.
World Expo in Milan
  • VOA reported that North Korea will operate a booth at the World Expo in Milan, which opens on May 1.
  • North Korea also operated a booth at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.

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